Semi-Permanent Make Up
Pre-appointment advice
Permanent cosmetic procedures will normally require multiple treatment sessions. For best results, clients will be required to return for at least one retouch procedure, usually between 1-3 months after the initial procedure.
Be prepared for the colour to be significantly sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside and become lighter as the tissue heals. This process can take up to ten days.
Advice for all permanent cosmetic procedures:
Alcohol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Coumadin must be avoided at least 48 hours prior to procedure.
Do not discontinue any medication before consulting your doctor.
Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may be swollen or red, it is advised not to make social plans for the same day.
Please wear your normal makeup to the salon on the day of the procedure.
The treatment will only go ahead with the outcome of a negative patch test.
We do not allow any family or friends in the treatment room with you.

Eyebrow Procedures:
Any waxing should be performed at least 48 hours before the procedure: Electrolysis no less than 5 days before the procedure.
Eyeliner Procedures:
Any eyelash tinting or eyelash perming should be carried out no sooner than 1 week before.
Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the procedure. Remember to bring your glasses.
You may have some swelling, as a safety precaution, we recommend that you have someone available to drive you home.
Lip liner/Colour:
If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex), we advise you to contact your doctor to obtain the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks. Alternatively, obtain herpes medication for example Zovirax from your local chemist and use one week before and one week after your procedure. This can help minimise an outbreak.
Permanent cosmetic procedures do not cause cold sores, however if you carry the virus, it lays dormant in the body and can be stimulated by the procedure.
Beauty Spots:
We advise not to have a perfectly round spot, as this is not natural looking.
Semi Permanent Make Up Aftercare
For 2 to 5 days after treatment, the procedure area may experience the following symptoms:
Dryness and itching
After eye procedures, eyelashes may stick together and eyelids appear red and puffy. If you are feeling less than 100% healthy it may take longer to heal and symptoms may appear more prominent.
For at least 7 days after a procedure or until the area appears to be healed, include the following daily routine:
Apply the suggested moisturising balm to the area at least 3 times a day using a cotton bud. Wash hands before and after application and use a clean cotton bud each time to avoid infection.
Use a gentle face cleanser and avoid the treatment areas.
If the area does get wet, pat dry very gently with a clean towel or tissue.
To keep your permanent cosmetic work in perfect condition it may be necessary to have a maintenance procedure.
To avoid pigment fade for as long as possible, avoid excessive exposure to the sun or UV rays and use a good sunscreen or moisturiser with an SPF30.
If you are planning an MRI scan, chemical peel, or any other similar procedures, please inform your practitioner that you have had permanent cosmetics.
You will not be eligible to give blood for 6 months after your procedure. Please inform the National Blood Service of your procedure and date if you want to give blood.
If you are planning injections such as Botox and Collagen, remember it can alter the shape of your lips and eyebrows.
Laser hair removal can fade and change the shade of your lips or brow procedures, always advice the laser technician you are wearing permanent cosmetics and they can act accordingly.
Swelling differs with each individual. To eliminate swelling, you can place ice on the treated areas every hour for about 10 minutes. Make sure you are rolling the ice – do not leave in one area.
An additional pillow is advisable when sleeping that evening.
Do not use eyelash curlers for 7 days after the procedure.
New mascara must be purchased, but not to be used until approximately 5 days after the procedure.
Your eyebrows need to be gently blotted to remove excess body fluids to eliminate crusting.
Make sure you wash your hair with your head tilted backwards to stop water running down you face.
Do not try to hide your eyebrows with your fringe in the first 2 days. This is the easiest way to cause infection. Keep you fringe away from your eyebrows.
The anaesthetic will have worn off within approx 30 minutes and your colour will come back into your lip tissue.
Ice can be applied the same as the eyeliner to relieve the burning sensation.
After 2 hours and before you go to bed gently blot the area with a damp cotton wool pad to remove excess body fluids and tiny blood spots to eliminate crusting.
Apply the healing balm every hour whilst awake.
Do not apply lipstick until after 7 days. It is possible that an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the lipstick may occur should you apply within this period.
Be careful when eating spicy, salty or citrus foods; avoid them if possible. Drink through a straw to prevent contact with contaminates and washing off your healing balm and be careful when brushing your teeth.
If you suffer cold sores and are not using Zovirax or a similar product to prevent an outburst, I will not be responsible for excessive colour fading. I can guarantee a 90% chance you will have an outbreak of cold sores if Zovirax or medication tablets are not used.
REMEMBER the colour is up to 50% darker straight after the treatment. It will fade 4 to 7 days after and the true colour will not come through until 4 – 6 weeks after the initial treatment. Often clients think they have lost their colour, please remember what I said about the colour becoming stronger.
Your procedure may need a retouch to ensure perfect pigmentation. It must be undertaken between four weeks and three months after the initial treatment. It is your responsibility to book this appointment.
We hope you enjoy the results you gain from your Semi-Permanent Cosmetic Treatment and we look forward to seeing you again.
If you have ever had cold sores or herpes simplex in the past it is important that you continue to use medication for 7 days after your lip treatment, as you did 7 days before. This will help prevent an outbreak, which causes discomfort and could result in scarring.
DO NOT expose the area to extreme heat or extreme cold until healed. This includes sunbathing, tanning beds, saunas etc.
DO NOT use makeup for 7 days and in the case of eye procedures use a new mascara to prevent infection.
DO NOT itch, pick, scratch or rub the area or the colour will heal unevenly or cause scarring and infection.
Important Information
REMEMBER the colour is up to 50% darker straight after the treatment. It will fade after 4 to 7 days, and the true colour will not come through until up to 4 weeks after the initial treatment. During the healing process, the colour may seem to have disappeared as it is obscured by the healing skin. Under no circumstances should you have further permanent cosmetic work undertaken during the 4-week period.